

"At the other romantic meaning" OP single cover is monkey punch depicting down ·!
"the original author lupin III" monkey punch · Mr. characters original hands-on TV animation "in righteousness others romantic" OP theme song collection of snow is the fierce, system, control, "RanTiKi", released in February 6th.The CD cover monkey · Mr. punch depicting down things clear!

[Photos] other monkey · punch depicting down "RanTiKi" jacket

monkey · punch's cartoon hero "romantic" and "spring" depicted on the CD cover, snow is the Columbia Official HP (Columbia. JP / Yukino /) in other public.Now "RanTiKi" is for you (R) prior distribution in China and abroad, January 22nd (fire) from the TV dimension of the messenger also scheduled to start.In addition, the snow is the first one from MC FM - FUJI of the regular programme "Music Spice!" (every Monday 24: 30 to 25: 00) in 2013 January run.In the program, the singer and the snow is another and private and other kinds of side can peep because that is concerned about the people, please don't forget to check.

in addition, beard is responsible for the animated ED theme "tap tap their RA map" TV Size telecommunications Ver.wo began in January 8th with the first letter.Regarding the details here (Columbia. Hige JP / tag / description # anime) please refer to!


2013.2.6 ON sales

snow is "RanTiKi"

1 RanTiki
new animation series "Romance" theme song at the meaning of others
2 Miserable Rain
3 I Just Called to Say I Love You
4 RanTiKi (Instrumental)
5 Miserable Rain (Instrumental)

number: COCA - 16679
the price: $1200 (including tax)

a new animation TV series "romantic" righteous people at

"lupin III" the monkey · punch characters, hands-on, Pachinko brother popular Foundation Series "CR Genroku righteous pass romantic" on the stage of chaotic era -- shift coding for dressing the late shogunate, dark "also University House" romantic, people want to take in order to return active indulge in the wildest fantasy!Utopian period drama animation.

< the broadcast day list >
TV Tokyo in January 7, 2013 launched Monday: 05 ~ 26
TV started in January 11, 2013 in Osaka, Friday: 10 ~ 26
Aichi TV on Thursday 27 January 10, 2013: 05 ~
TV and the zeta began Tuesday 26: 10 ~ January 8, 2013
TV started in January 11, 2013 in Hokkaido, Friday: 00 ~ 27
TVQ Kyushu broadcasting began in January 10, 2013 00 ~ 27: Thursday
AT - X a week starting in January 16, 2013 three 20: 00: 08: 00 / repeated Friday, Sunday Tuesday 26: 00, 14: 00

(C) high tail monkey · punch / Heisei righteous [Association] pass romantic group reported "AKB 0048" next than grand inheritance members of the cast of characters comment to distribution!Liu, television animation "AMNESIA" OP single "Zoetrope" listen to!The live recording of the best combination "StylipS debut anniversary disc" collection!Television animation "THE UNLIMITED," released in Beijing - first report!Music television animation "two disease want to insert song fall in love" is also included!
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